The Scheme Manager is the person within a local authority or Developer organisation who is responsible for the project requiring a road safety audit.
He/she is responsible for verifying the need for audit and ensuring that it is carried out in accordance with the highway authority’s defined audit procedures. This includes, but is not limited to:-
If a Developer’s scheme requires an audit, the local authority needs to identify an authorised officer (HAAO) who will ensure that the above tasks have been carried out in accordance with the local authority’s adopted procedures prior to acceptance. In addition to the above, they need to liaise with the Developer’s Scheme Manager (DSM) to ensure that the recommendations of the audit are incorporated into the final scheme. The Exception reporting procedure may also be required, and this would need to be overseen by the Scheme Manager – the Exception Report again needing to be produced and signed off by the local highway authority. The local authority will, after all, be responsible for the completed scheme once it has been formally adopted as a public highway. This is the main reason why the local highway/road authority is defined as the Client for the audit.
Authorities in Ireland have a reluctance to oversee RSA undertaken by developers. They prefer to insist that a completed RSA is submitted with the planning application. If an exception report is required this can be agreed with the local authority and submitted with the planning application.
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