Sustainable Transport Panel

The Sustainable Transport Panel identifies opportunities and promotes sustainable transport in the Highways and Transportation industry.

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Sustainable transport is a phrase which was coined in the late 20th century to describe all forms of transport which minimise emissions of carbon dioxide and pollutants. Sustainable transport can mean public transport, car sharing, walking and cycling as well as technology such as electric and hybrid cars and biodiesel. The term is based on the phrase sustainable energy.  The transition to an environmentally sustainable transport system involves a combination of technological and demand-side transport policies and practices.
Panel Mission Statement: ‘To promote accessibility and sustainability in travel through good planning, education and demand management techniques

Primary Objectives

  • draw together experts in the field to debate and develop a programme of activities to support the delivery of sustainability in transport
  • provide a focus for transfer of knowledge within the CIHT and with members of the other professional disciplines involved in sustainable transport issues
  • act as a liaison between CIHT’s Technical Boards and key external organisations
  • promote new ideas, best practice and a better understanding of the complex issues, such as Demand Management, New Development, Accessibility Planning, TMA’s, BID’s  and Travel Planning
  • support research into ensuring that sustainable transport solutions are effective
    develop guidance notes, good practice examples and/or articles for journals on the topic area
  • promote, or take part in, conferences, seminars and other forms of Continuing Professional Development
  • probe and challenge the existing way of thinking

If you would like more details on the work of the Panel please contact the Secretary on:


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