IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ticket sales for this event have now closed.
We are pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for our Regional Annual Dinner and Awards event 2023.
Venue: Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Burlington Arcade, 126 New St, Birmingham B2 4JQ
Date: Thursday,11th May 2023
Dress code: Black tie
Please note the ticket price is inclusive of VAT.
Any issues booking, please contact us at or +44 (0)20 7336 1555 (option 1)
For any CIHT Members wishing to attend the West Midlands Annual General Meeting (AGM), this will take place prior to the Awards Dinner from 6:00pm - 6:30pm, please arrive at 5:45pm to enable you find the room, take your seat and for the AGM to commence on time. The AGM will be held in the Diamond Suite at the Burlington Hotel.
For any guests who are not attending the AGM, please arrive at 6.45pm.
If you intend to attend both the West Midlands AGM and the Awards Dinner, or if you wish to attend just the Awards Dinner, please book your place through this event page, using the 'book a place' button above. If you would like to attend the West Midlands AGM but do not wish to attend the CIHT West Midlands Awards Dinner as well, (which is being held on the same evening), please book your place for the AGM via the separate AGM event page here.
In addition to our awards ceremony this year we will be holding a raffle to support a local charity.
Tickets for the charity raffle will be sold at the awards ceremony and dinner on 11th May with all proceeds of the charity raffle being donated. If you are able to donate a gift to include in our charity raffle, please contact:
Highways and transportation form one of the most important sectors in the West Midlands, employing a large number of people in the region. Industry partnership and celebrating excellence is at the heart of this event. Our sponsorship packages have been carefully shaped to meet the commercial imperative of our industry partners. We understand your needs and how to meet them whilst adding value to the experience enjoyed by our guests. Please take a look at our Sponsorship Brochure.
To find out more details about how to sponsor our events please email:
Please email any specific dietary requirements including allergies to by 27th April 2023. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any dietary requests or changes after this date.
Please note, the event is black tie.
We will hear from CIHT President, Neil Johnstone, as well as Gavin Maciel, Chair of CIHT West Midlands Committee & Transport Delivery Specialist at Birmingham City Council, and Matthew Moss, Vice Chair of CIHT West Midlands Committee & Principal Engineer, Transport at Aecom.
Drinks order forms for at table service will be issued prior to the event.
If you would like to get in touch with the local committee about this event or about CIHT in general, please contact us at:
We would be delighted to hear from you.
By booking this event, you agree to CIHT's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Got a question?
t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
Sign up to the APM Newsletter.