SoRSA (Society of Road Safety Auditors) represents an exciting initiative for the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), in providing a home for the development of professional highways safety auditing best practice.


SoRSA was established by the Institution as a response to a growing call from professionals operating in the field of safety auditing and safety engineering practice in the UK, for a forum to exchange best practice and, importantly, to provide advice and ultimately routes to professional recognition for safety auditing practitioners.

Importantly, SoRSA is an association of the CIHT and therefore has a committee structure and constitution similar to the established regional branches. Uniquely, it is a branch of professionals from a specialist discipline.

If you are an existing CIHT Member, you can join SoRSA from wherever you live in the UK, or indeed abroad.


The SoRSA Constitution outlines the social objectives, membership, composition of committees and election processes. The Constitution was agreed on 20 June 2022.

The Constitution is available to view here: SoRSA Constitution.


Please see here to find out more about how and why you should consider becoming a member of SoRSA.

You can find the list of SoRSA members here

Video Blog

A video blog series has been launched to keep you updated throughout the year, with news, events and with what is happening across the SoRSA committee. Videos will be uploaded to CIHT's YouTube channel and are accessible by clicking the links below. 

Episode 1 - July 2023 - Hear from Eric Hill, the newly elected Chair of SoRSA, in the first of a new series of video blog updates.

Annual Conference 2023

SoRSA held its annual conference on the 19 and 20 June 2023. Over the course of the two days, there was a mix of presentations from road safety professionals across the industry, as well as interactive workshops.

Certificate of Attendance 

Completing a Certificate of Attendance is valid as evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), this can be downloaded and completed using the link below. 

Certificate of Attendance 

CIHT members can also record their CPD online by visiting CIHT Learn 

Presentation slides

Below you can find the slides of the presentations provided, this will be updated when more are made available.

Paper 1: Data analysis and digital tools: a step towards vision zero Jon Noble and Claudia Di Loreto - WSP

Paper 2: Towards vision zero with connected car insights Lorna Payne – Aisin Mobility

Paper 3: Road crash prediction statistical modelling approaches: what could go wrong Dr. Jwan Kamla - Jacobs

Paper 5: The influence of active road studs on safe driving behaviour Richard Llewellyn – Napier University of Edinburgh

Paper 6: Road safety audit reviews and compliance John Barrell

Paper 8: Relationships and behaviours Eric Hill - SWECO

Annual Review

Self Certification submission

The 2023 SoRSA Self Certification annual review process has now closed.

A random selection of members will be contacted after the closing date to submit a full review.

Continued use of SoRSA post nominals is dependent on being up to date with membership fees and a successful annual review (self certified or otherwise).

Guidance on Changes to the SoRSA Annual Review process

 Full Annual Review information

2023 Annual Review Form

Additional Resources

Applicant Checklist Prior to Submission

CPD Lessons Learnt Report

Failure to Comply Guidance

SoRSA's Featured

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