The 15 minute city with Professor Carlos Moreno

30th Jul 2020

CIHT podcasts presents the concept of the 15-minute city with Professor Carlos Moreno which focuses on proximity rather than mobility.

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Welcome to the 15-minute city. This is whereby all the daily urban necessities are within a 15-minute reach on foot or by bike. Work, home, shops, entertainment, education and healthcare. Some urbanists are pushing for proximity over mobility and this has gained traction during the global pandemic, so is this the potential solution to how cities should operate now and in the future? Where: think global but act local could become a reality.

This podcast sees Justin Ward from CIHT discuss this with the architect of this concept – Professor Carlos Moreno from the Sorbonne in Paris where he is scientific director of entrepreneurship and innovation. Professor Moreno’s idea has and will continue to shape the how people live in Paris as it was taken up by Anne Hidalgo when it was announced back in February during her run for re-election as Major of the city. Since then the idea has gained global traction as a measure to respond to – and also provide - a green recovery from covid-19.

About Carlos Moreno 

Researcher of international renown, Carlos Moreno is Associate Professor at the Paris IAE - Panthéon Sorbonne University in France, and also co-founder and scientific director of the ETI Chair « Entrepreneurship – Territory - Innovation ». He is specialized in the study of complex systems and in the development of innovation processes.

He earned recognition as a scientist with an innovative mind, pioneer works and his unique approach on urban issues. He is renowned for his “Smart City” concept, and well-known as successful entrepreneur thanks to an innovative start-up. He is now renowned as a scientific advisor of national and international figures of the highest level, including the Mayor of Paris, Mrs. Anne Hidalgo, in quality of “Smart City” special Envoy of the Mayor.

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