Transport Planners in Australia, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong and the Middle East can now have their professional expertise recognised as Chartered Transport Planning Professionals. We are launching a pilot for international candidates who previously could not access this prestigious qualification.
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Chartered Transport Planning Professional (CTPP) is a unique transport planning qualification which recognises the knowledge, skills and commitment of competent and experienced transport planners. Developed in a partnership between the Chartered Institution of Highways and the Transportation and the Transport Planning Society the units a candidate has to demonstrate reflect the transport planning needs of today and the future and were updated earlier this year so they can be demonstrated by candidates working internationally.
There are different routes to professional registration depending on the academic qualifications and experience you have and you can find out more about the right route for you on our website or by contacting us at
Initially the pilot is just open to 10 candidates who are likely to be ready to take their Professional Review in the next 12 months. If you think this is you and you are looking for an opportunity to have your transport planning expertise recognsed, please contact us at
Find out more about becoming a Chartered Transport Planning Professional at our free webinar on 11 February 2022
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