7 November 2023, 12:30-13:30 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

What is climate action and your role in making a change UWECA07112023

Do you think progress is being made? Are you sick of hearing about it? Do you have faith that everything will be alright – or are you deeply troubled and wondering what you can do at home and at work?

Glenn Lyons of UWE Bristol’s Centre for Transport and Society will set the context. He'll invite you to share you views about climate change, and to what extent you are an activist and taking climate action.


7 November 2023, 12:30-13:30 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

What is climate action and your role in making a change UWECA07112023



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