12 July 2023, 16:15-18:00 -
Swinton Football Club adjacent to Carriages Funeral Services Barton Road Swinton Manchester M27 5LJ UNITED KINGDOM

Swinton Greenway site walkover – Active Traffic Scheme (Manchester)

We are pleased to invite you to join us on a site walk of Salford Council’s unique Swinton Greenway active travel scheme.

Please note, if the 'Book a Place' button is no longer visible on the right-hand side then the event is fully booked. Please email regions@ciht.org.uk to be added to a cancellation/waiting list.

12 July 2023, 16:15-18:00 -
Swinton Football Club adjacent to Carriages Funeral Services Barton Road Swinton Manchester M27 5LJ UNITED KINGDOM

Swinton Greenway site walkover – Active Traffic Scheme (Manchester)



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t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
e: info@ciht.org.uk

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