5 December 2018, 12:30-16:00 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

More Data, More Safety?

The promise of data is that through gathering enough information we will be able to make smarter decisions, save money and improve safety. Yet we know that much-collected information is never used, it sits, unanalysed in databases and spreadsheets across the country.

“More Data, More Safety?” is a discussion of how we can use data to create safe and efficient highways and the limitations of relying on data alone. Featuring key industry figures we will explain how data is currently used in the industry to to make decisions, spend money and drive safety improvements for all highways users.

5 December 2018, 12:30-16:00 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

More Data, More Safety?


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e: info@ciht.org.uk

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