1 March 2022, 11:50-12:50 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

How to Support and Mentor Apprentices

Are you an employer of transport planning apprentices? Do you want some best practice guidance on how best to support and mentor them? Join CIHT's Professional Development Officer, John Hall and Leeds College of Buildings (LCoB) Project Manager, Sarah Carter, for this webinar, and find out more about supporting apprentices on the Transport Planning Technician Apprenticeship (L3TPTA).

This webinar will include be supported by a mentor and an employer of award winning apprentices, to offer some best practice advice on how to work with, support, mentor and train apprentices. This webinar will offer support and best practice guidance for employers and mentors with an apprentice on the L3TPTA.

The webinar is free for all to attend and will be taking place at 11:50:-12:50 on Tuesday 1 March 2022. The webinar will consist of a 45-minute presentation which will be followed by 15-minutes of Q&A.


Who this webinar is for

This webinar is primarily for employers and mentors who  support Transport Planning Technician apprentices, but apprentices on this standard are also welcome to attend.

Why you should attend

To get some best practice advice and guidance from an employer with a large number of EPA successful apprentices, some of whom were exceptional candidates and to learn from a mentor how to support apprentices to gain the knowledge, skills and experience they need to pass the EPA.


This webinar will cover best practice advice and guidance from the perspective of a mentor and an employer of Level 3 Transport Planning Technician Apprentices.

It will also cover what support you can expect from CIHT and Leeds College of Building (LCoB) throughout this apprenticeship.

Learn how you can support your apprentice and develop your own in-house technicians who can provide technical support in the planning, design, implementation or assessment of transport planning policies, plans and projects.

Transport planning technicians will use their broad knowledge and skills base to support the delivery of, or improvement to, local, regional, national or international transport systems or services that are appropriately risk assessed and sustainable.

To find out more about the Technician Apprenticeship and CIHT's involvement as the End Point Assessment Organisation, please click here.

Learning Outcomes

By joining this webinar, you will learn how to mentor and support apprentices and what CIHT and LCoB do to support apprentices and employers during the apprenticeship.


Information about the speakers 

John Hall, Professional Development Officer, CIHT

John has held positions in the Education and Professional Development departments at two Professional Engineering Institutions.

He has supported the Level 3 Transport Planning Technician Apprenticeship for nearly 3 years and is now leading on CIHT apprenticeship programmes.




Sarah Carter, Project Manager, LCoB

Sarah Carter is the Transport Planning Apprenticeship Project Manager at Leeds College of Building. 

Sarah assisted on the development of the Transport Planning Apprenticeship standard in 2016 and has since managed the program, engaging a national base of employers and apprentices, and providing a bespoke, apprentice/employer focused service.





Joe Lewis, Portfolio Sponsor, TfL

Having started out my illustrious public service career as a nightwatchman at a local dump, a series of unexpected twists led me to a role at TfL’s Investment Delivery Planning section, where I help oversee the delivery of various active travel programmes amid (mostly) more salubrious environs. 

In a bid to make myself obsolete, I’ve been co-managing TfL’s Transport Planning apprenticeship delivery since 2016, and have served as mentor to many of the star transport planners of tomorrow.




Grace Smith, Associate Director, Wood Group

Grace Smith is an Associate Director at Wood based in their Newcastle office. She is a Chartered Civil Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in highways and transportation projects for public and private sector clients from feasibility, preliminary and detailed design to implementation. 

Her special interests are in future mobility, transport decarbonisation and the development of transport solutions that are resilient in the face of climate change, adaptable to fast moving technologies and society’s needs and good value for money.  Grace has been a mentor for apprentice and graduate transport planners.

1 March 2022, 11:50-12:50 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

How to Support and Mentor Apprentices



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e: info@ciht.org.uk

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