CIHT Hong Kong is delighted to announce the Half Day Seminar 2023: Transport Planning & Infrastructure of the New Era.
Date: 24 June 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Venue: V322, 3/F, Jockey Club Innocation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fee: 100 HKD (Member) or 200 HKD (Non-Member) / Student Member & Student: free admission
As one of the most prestigious events on the CIHT Hong Kong calendar. The Half Day Seminar 2023 presents a most excellent CPD and networking opportunity:
09:30 - Welcome Speech & Sponsor Acknowledgement by Mr. Raymond PAU, Chair of CIHT Hong Kong.
09:40 - Keynote Speech by Mr. Eddie LEUNG, Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Logistics 7, Transport and Logistics Bureau.
09:50 - Hong Kong Polytechnic University Speech by Prof. Anthony CHEN, Associate Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
10:00 - Group-photo taking and Souvenir Awarding
10:10 - "Strategic Railway Planning in Hong Kong", session 1 with Q&A by Mr. Dennis WAN, Government Engineer, Highways Department/RDO.
10:40 - "Strategic Highway Planning for our future", session 2 with Q&A by Mr. Stephen LEE, Chief Engineer, Transport Department.
11:10 - Break
11:25 - "Part I Delivery of EAL Cross Harbour Session / Part II Introduction of New Railway Lines under Design Stage", session 3 with Q&A by Mr. Walter LAM, Project Manager of TME & HSK, MTRC.
11:55 - "The Success Stories of Transport and Railway Development of Hong Kong and Its Future", session 4 with Q&A by Mr. Wilson WONG, Associate Director, AECOM
12:25 - Closing Speech by Mr. Alan YAN, 1st Vice-Chair of CIHT Hong Kong.
12:30 - Event finished
Mr. Eddie LEUNG, Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport and Logistics 7, Transport and Logistics Bureau
Prof. Anthony CHEN, Associate Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. Dennis WAN, Government Engineer, Highways Department/RDO
Mr. Stephen LEE, Chief Engineer, Transport Department/Strategic Studies Branch
Mr. Walter LAM, Project Manager of TME & HSK, MTR Corporation Limited
Mr. Wilson Wong, Associate Director, AECOM
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