11 May 2023, 17:30-18:30 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

CIHT West Midlands Annual General Meeting 2023

Join us for the 2023 CIHT West Midlands Annual General Meeting. This will be held in-person at the Diamond Suite of the Burlington Hotel at 6:00pm - 6:30pm.  We invite all voting CIHT members of the region to join us.

11 May 2023, 17:30-18:30 -
Protech House Wharf Approach Aldridge WALSALL WEST MIDLANDS WS9 8BX UNITED KINGDOM

CIHT West Midlands Annual General Meeting 2023



Got a question?

t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
e: info@ciht.org.uk

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