Join us for the 2023 CIHT West Midlands Annual General Meeting. This will be held in-person at the Diamond Suite of the Burlington Hotel at 6:00pm - 6:30pm. We invite all voting CIHT members of the region to join us.
If you would like to attend the West Midlands AGM but do not wish to attend the CIHT West Midlands Awards Dinner, (which is being held on the same evening), please book your place for the AGM via this event page, using the 'book a place' button.
If you intend to attend both the AGM and the Dinner, or if you wish to attend just the Awards Dinner, please book your place via the CIHT West Midlands Awards Dinner event page HERE.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CIHT West Midlands Region will hold its Annual General Meeting at 18:00 on Thursday 11 May 2023.
Join us for the 2023 CIHT West Midlands Annual General Meeting. This will be held in-person at the Diamond Suite of the Burlington Hotel at 6:00pm - 6:30pm. This will take place prior to the CIHT West Midlands Annual Awards Dinner.
We invite all voting CIHT members of the region to join us.
The AGM offers us an opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. It also provides an opportunity for CIHT members to hear about and get involved in the West Midlands region’s activities.
The AGM will see the region’s Chair reflect on the past year and the successes of the region. The AGM will see the election of new committee members and will also see the appointment of the Chair and Officers to take forward the region’s plans for the next year.
1. Nominations Letter
2. AGM Agenda
3. AGM Notice
The AGM will be held in the Diamond Suite of the Burlington Hotel.
Diamond Suite, Macdonald Burlington Hotel,
Burlington Arcade, 126 New Street,
Birmingham, B2 4JQ
There are lots of benefits of getting involved with your local committee; CIHT’s regions and nations play a critical role for the Institution, acting as a focal point for members to meet and share their experiences locally. The regions and nations organise an annual programme of activities, which include CPD opportunities, seminars, site visits and social events.
We are welcoming new committee members. If you would like further information or would like to hear more about the committee, please contact us at:
If you wish to put yourself forward for a role, please complete the nomination form which will be available on this page soon.
Please return the completed nomination form to: and cc by 4 May 2023.
For further information, please e-mail us at:
Got a question?
t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
Sign up to the APM Newsletter.