This webinar will look at Developing Irelands Cycle Network – Lessons Learned.
This talk will primarily discuss the development of Ireland’s cycle network, CycleConnects, being developed by the NTA but will also discuss the National Cycle Network being developed by TII along with other cycle networks such as
As this comprises over 20,000km of cycle routes across the country, this talk will discuss some key themes on what has been learned since the project began.
This presentation is aimed at anyone with an interest in active travel and network development across the country.
Hugh McCarthy - Senior Consultant at AECOM (seconded into NTA as Programme Manager)
Hugh McCarthy is a Senior Transport Consultant with AECOM and who has been seconded into the NTA for the past number of years working on schemes such as CycleConnects. He has been the main lead on this project since its inception in September 2021 and has worked with various local authorities and stakeholders as part of its development.
If you have any queries about this event or would like to learn more, please contact:
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