Join five industry experts as they discuss the range of new technologies and service models disrupting the transport sector, as well as the emerging and potential future uses of road related data to support various aspects of transport planning and delivery.
Find out how to harness the power of data in the delivery of future transport, hear leading industry research and get your questions answered during the live Q&A session.
This webinar is free for all CIHT Members to attend and is charged for CIHT partner employees and non-members. The webinar will be hosted on Teams.
This CIHT Masterclass will include insights from previously published and ongoing research as well as reflections of ongoing debates on some key issues within the transport profession.
Areas of specific focus will include the role of transport agencies in addressing and shaping the range of autonomous, connected, electric and shared technologies now emerging, regulating and working with the private sector on disruptive innovation, and deploying transport-related data in the tracking and achievement of key policy goals.
This webinar is open to both CIHT Members and Non-Members and will be of particular interest to those who lead or work in transport agencies, who seek to understand the institutional future of the transport sector, as well as those seeking to understand the design, delivery and regulation of new technology.
Biography: Jonathan Spear is a Transport Policy and Strategy Advisor with 27 years’ experience in public policy, strategy, governance, skills analysis and capacity building. Much of this has specialized in national, regional and local transport policy frameworks, institutional structures and processes. He has worked extensively in the international arena, including the UK and Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific, and been based in London, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Much of Jonathan’s work has included benchmarking good practice in multi-modal transport planning and delivery. In this context, he is increasingly interested in the technical options and potential, policy and regulatory implications of new transport technologies, how this enables future adoption and how approaches may be applied to countries at different stages of development. Recent focus areas include urban public transport, autonomous and electric vehicles, urban air mobility, micromobility and transport net zero.
Jonathan is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) and a Chartered Transport Planning Professional (CTPP). He is one of the founding members and current Chair of the CIHT Dubai Group. He has also chaired four Working Groups on organisational research for the World Road Association, PIARC, including currently leading work on Disruptive Technologies and Service Models.
Synopsis: This presentation investigates disruptive technologies and service models changing the transport sector globally, evidence emerging on potential impacts, and how transport agencies across the World are responding to the challenges they pose in policy, regulatory and organisational terms.
Biography: Emily is Amey’s Highway Market Director focusing on working with Local Authorities and National Highways to achieve their strategic objectives. With 10 years of experience in the sector, Emily is passionate about supporting the sector with key priorities such as decarbonisation, asset management and innovation. She is also actively engaged in the sector including chairing LGTAGs Highway and Infrastructure Management Board.
Synopsis: Amey Digital Consulting work closely with their customers to make the best use of their existing data to solve day to day challenges and create fast paced innovative solutions. Stephen is going to showcase some of the amazing examples of how we have worked with National Highways and Emily will highlight the ways of which we can learn from one another to benefit the sector as a whole.
Biography: Stephen is a Principal Strategic Consultant at Amey Consulting. He has worked within Highways and Asset Management for over 7 and is passionate about the industry. Stephen currently helps organisations make informed, strategic decisions about getting value from their assets and has experience working with both Local Authorities and National Highways. He is actively engaged with industry, representing young professionals on regional and national committees.
Biography: John is Technical Director within Atkins asset management business, producing national guidance and best practice tools for the transportation sector, and implementing these with a wide range of clients. He is also responsible for developing a thriving and award-winning programme of customer focused work, with a view to integrating this into the decision-making process for highway infrastructure asset management.
He is heavily involved with PIARC (World Road Association), having led the recent Road Related Data special project, alongside his current roles as vice-chair of the PIARC UK Executive Committee, member of the Technical Committee for Asset Management, and lead of working group covering the renewal and rejuvenation of aging infrastructure.
John is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation.
Synopsis: PIARC (the World Road Association) commissioned Atkins to undertake a global research project covering the different approaches to using data to deliver efficiencies, facilitate the operation and management of the road network, and improve the provision of services to road users – the report is freely available on the PIARC website: This presentation will cover the principles of the research, the key findings and how they are relevant to a UK audience, plus examples of good practice from around the world.
Biography: Juliana is an Asset Management Consultant working within Atkins' Transportation Business. She has a civil engineering background, and an MSc degree in Digital Asset Management. Since joining Atkins as a graduate she has been consultancy focussed and uses her technical knowledge to effectively develop solutions for clients, ensuring she clearly articulates the benefits of our projects and collaborating with clients to bring together engineering knowledge and innovative solutions.
Juliana has supported multiple Asset Management projects where she has supported the development of key asset management products such as AM Policy, AM Strategy, AM Plans, AM Maturity assessments, AM Improvement Plans, etc. Her insightful analytical skills and ability to present complex information in a visually appealing way allows team to effectively collaborate and communicate project outcomes.
The recording will be available to CIHT Members post event, free of charge, via the members area of the CIHT website. Paying delegates will not have access to the recording and, if registering, should attend the live event.
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