14 July 2023, 16:30-21:00 -
Chester Racecourse New Crane Street Chester CH41 4JD UNITED KINGDOM

Chester Races networking event for Emerging Professionals (joint with CECA)

Join us for what promises to be an enjoyable evening and a chance to network with colleagues and peers at Chester Races.

Complimentary places for members are very limited for this event so please only book a place if you can definitely attend.

Please note, if the 'Book a Place' button is no longer visible on the right-hand side then the event is fully booked. Please email regions@ciht.org.uk to be added to a cancellation/waiting list.

14 July 2023, 16:30-21:00 -
Chester Racecourse New Crane Street Chester CH41 4JD UNITED KINGDOM

Chester Races networking event for Emerging Professionals (joint with CECA)



Got a question?

t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
e: info@ciht.org.uk

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