The event provides a summary of a recently completed special project for PIARC on roads social accessibility and social equity and a conducted case study in Kenya.
Road Designers, Road Planners, and anyone who has an interest in making our roads more accessible.
Dr Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan - Lecturer in Infrastructure Asset Management, University of Birmingham
Mehran is a lecturer in Infrastructure Asset Management at the Department of Civil Engineering with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused in risk management and linear infrastructure systems from University of Birmingham.
He spent five years in the civil engineering industry, as a geotechnical engineer, before returning to academia to study a master in Construction Management and then the PhD both at the University of Birmingham.
He then worked as a research fellow at the University of Birmingham for around five years, before becoming a lecturer. He was also a visiting research fellow at the University of Nottingham.
Mehran has been engaged in supervising a number of PhD students. His research portfolio and interest lie in the field of smart management of infrastructure systems, investigating the application of autonomous systems for condition monitoring and repair of urban infrastructure.
Dr Esdras Ngezahayo - Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, University of Birmingham
Esdras graduated with a BSc in Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology in 2012, before completing his MSc in Geotechnical Engineering and Management in 2014 and a PhD in Civil Engineering in 2020, both degrees from the University of Birmingham.
He has over a decade of research and teaching experience in Higher Education, both overseas and in the UK. Prior to his current position, he worked at the School of Engineering as a Postgraduate Teaching Associate, Researcher, Research Fellow, and Teaching Fellow.
Esdras published in peer reviewed journals, international conferences and contributed many technical reports and presentations. As a geotechnical engineer, Esdras is interested in ground engineering and both on surface and underground infrastructure development. More importantly, Esdras is also interested on how the infrastructure he designs and builds delivers for the people it serves.
He is a member of the Chartered Institution of Highway and Transportation (MCIHT) and a UK PIARC’s competition award winner for the past two years:
• Roads Adapting to the Changing World, World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress in Calgary, Canada, 2022.
• Sustainable Mobility, the 27th World Road Congress, Prague, Cech Republic, 2023.
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