POSTPONED - this event has been postponed and a rescheduled date will be arranged. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Organised by CIHT Northern Ireland, hosted by Charles Brand and DfI, this event will include a site visit to the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme (BFTAS) followed by a ten pin bowling social event. Meeting place is the car park at Rosemount House.
The Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme (BFTAS) is an ambitious £18m project extending 8km along the banks of the River Lagan from Belfast Lough to Stranmillis Weir. The completed scheme aims to reduce tidal flood risk to over 1500 properties that are currently at risk of 1 in 200 year tidal events.
The project will provide protection to several key areas currently prone to flooding, at Belfast Harbour (city centre), Sydenham (East Belfast), Ravenhill, Ormeau and Stranmillis. It will feature a variety of flood defence methods including reinforced concrete walls, flood gates, glass flood walls, earthen embankments and demountable fences. Construction started in July 2022 and is progressing well.
This event will combine a site visit to an active section of the BFTAS project being delivered in the heart of Belfast. It will provide an update on the progress of the scheme, issues they have overcome and how they have included measures to future-proof the scheme against the effects of climate change. Themes it will cover includes working in challenging environments, contaminated land, urban issues (traffic management and public interaction), river and marine environments, piling, flood walls, programming/ phasing of works.
The event will begin with a presentation by the host company, covering an overview of the scheme, its importance, climate change as well as act as a site induction. Attendees will then be moved via minibus to site and given a tour of an active on-site section of the works. Following the site visit, attendees will return to the host company for some refreshments before walking over to the SSE Arena for the social event which consists of 10 pin bowling. The social event will be very informal and an opportunity for attendees to mix socially with their peers and those from the regional CIHT committee.
This event is aimed towards emerging professionals interested in flood alleviation works, civil infrastructure and managing environmental considerations on a construction site. It is primarily aimed towards students and recent graduates. They are likely to be early-stage carer individuals with an interest in the subject matter. It is foreseen that this site visit should be of interest to a wide selection of both Consultant and Contracting professionals alike.
Paddy Harney, Civil Engineering Director at Charles Brand
Paddy Harney is the civil engineering director with the contractor Charles Brand with 28 years’ experience in water, rivers, roads and rail Infrastructure. Paddy recently completed the Lagan Gateway Project and currently delivering Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme.
Caoimhe O’Neill, Civil Engineer Assistant at DfI Rivers
Caoimhe O’Neill is SPTO civil engineer with DfI Water and Departmental Delivery (formerly DfI Rivers). Caoimhe has 5 years’ experience working in flood risk management and is the client project manager for the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme.
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