19 October 2023, 14:00-19:00 -
Rosemount House 21 - 23 Sydenham Rd Belfast BT3 9HA UNITED KINGDOM

Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme (BFTAS) site visit and social

POSTPONED - this event has been postponed and a rescheduled date will be arranged. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

Organised by CIHT Northern Ireland, hosted by Charles Brand and DfI, this event will include a site visit to the Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme (BFTAS) followed by a ten pin bowling social event. Meeting place is the car park at Rosemount House.

19 October 2023, 14:00-19:00 -
Rosemount House 21 - 23 Sydenham Rd Belfast BT3 9HA UNITED KINGDOM

Belfast Tidal Flood Alleviation Scheme (BFTAS) site visit and social



Got a question?

t: +44 (0)20 7336 1555
e: info@ciht.org.uk

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