In her first blog as CIHT President, Deborah Sims reflects on the events of the past month, including her Presidential Inauguration and the Department for Transport's Transport Decarbonisation Plan. She also shares her thoughts on what the Olympic games can teach us about our professional practise and discusses her hopes for the coming month.
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Well, it's been just over a month since my inauguration, and I'd like to start by saying a big thank you to everyone who has sent good wishes either by email or on LinkedIn, it's been really humbling and encouraging to have your support. Although the summer is traditionally a quiet time, there have been a few events this month, and I was delighted to attend the Hong Kong region AGM on 2 of July and to meet the committee. I was really impressed with their enthusiasm and energy. In particular the young professionals, the programme of activities they have set up were truly inspirational, and the tee shirts look great! Later in the month I was honoured to be invited to present the awards at the West Midlands annual Awards ceremony. The range of professional projects and people showcased by this event was truly inspirational and the organisation by the West Midlands committee was exemplary. If you have not seen these awards, I would highly recommend that you do, especially if you're involved in regional awards with your own committee (CIHT members can watch the event recordings here). Later that week, I chaired a Future of Transport - Road Safety: A Vision to 2030 webinar where we heard about the great work being done by Transport Scotland to truly revolutionise the approach to road safety north of the border. A big thank you to Bertrand Deiss of Transport Scotland for a very interesting and thought-provoking presentation and for patiently taking so many questions from attendees. Last week I attended the South East regional committee meeting chaired by Sean Letchford. The big issue is organising events in the current uncertain climate, a dilemma I'm sure many committees are facing as we look towards the autumn. However, I am sure we can continue to give excellent service to members and provide events that are interesting and relevant to them, and I urge you to get involved with your local committee to ensure that the events and other local activities of the committee reflect members’ needs.
Of course, this month the Department for Transport published 'Decarbonising Transport: A Better, Greener Britain'. As we get to grips with this document, we are keen to ensure that CIHT responds positively and appropriately to the need to radically change the way our transport systems work within the UK, and we understand that this can create professional dilemmas and challenges for members and partners. I would encourage you to engage with the debate on CIHT Connect to ensure that your views are included, and you fully appreciate the complex issues around this very important topic.
As I'm sure many of us have been, I've been watching the Olympics with the usual sense of pride, admiration, and disbelief at some of the feats and abilities of our elite athletes. One of the messages that seems to come through for me is that success requires huge levels of dedication, commitment, time, and practise. I’ve been reflecting on the way we as professionals need to consider our professional practise in the same way. It is important to recognise that success is much more meaningful when it's been gained through hard work, and commitment. I know our professional review candidates invest a great deal of time and effort in preparing their portfolios and for their interviews. Not all candidates are successful at their first interview, and of course this must be very disappointing, however I hope that these candidates reflect on the gaps identified and how to improve their performance for a second submission, working with their mentors to commit time and effort to achieving the standard. I am sure that they gain a real sense of achievement when they eventually succeed.
Looking forward, we have a Board of Trustees away day on 11 August at Britannia Walk, this is to be held face to face with of course all the necessary COVID-19 precautions in place. It will be great to meet the new Trustees and to get started with the important work of developing the Strategic Plan for CIHT for the next five years and I am very much looking forward to that.
Let's hope we get a boost from the Olympics and success that Team GB is currently enjoying, that we get some good weather, so that even if it is another “staycation” in the garden, we can get a proper break and some much-needed relaxation, and, most importantly, let us hope that the good news regarding the coronavirus statistics continues so that we can start to meet again in person.
All the best for the summer.
Deborah Sims, CIHT President
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