PDP Who's who

On this page you will find profiles of some of the current members of the CIHT Procurement and Delivery Panel. 

If you would like more details on the work of the Panel please contact the Secretary at technical@ciht.org.uk

Chair of the Procurement and Delivery Panel

Nick has worked in senior leadership roles in Highways England and its predecessors, Highways Agency and DfT, for over 30 years, managing the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of its Strategic Road Network. Nick is involved in both the highways and rail sector as he is currently working with High Speed 2, where he manages the impact of the HS2 and where it affects the operation of Highway England’s network and customers.

As chair of the Procurement and Delivery Panel and a STEM Ambassador, Nick is passionate about getting a diverse and inclusive panel for anyone interested in learning about and actively contributing to the development of the Procurement and Delivery panels’ work which seeks to benefit the wider CIHT membership and the transport industry in general.

Nick Hopcraft

Nick has a keen interest in developing strong relationships within industry including early contractor involvement, framework contracts and Smart Motorways. These themes are currently of significant relevance to industry practitioners as collaborative procurement practices are seen in the work of major clients from Network Rail and HS2 to Highways England and its Routes to Market procurement strategy.


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